Monthly Archives: March 2014

A Letter To My Friends . . . . .

A Letter To My Friends . . . . .

I just sent the following letter to a long-time friend who is preparing to exit this incarnation:

Dear Lani and Bob,

I recently received word from my sister, Carolyn, about your condition, Lani. I am sending you both much love and light. At times like these, words are so inadequate. I wish I could just give you both a big hug and tell you, “It’s all going to be okay.” – and it is . . . . .

Instead, I’m enclosing a copy of Darlyne’s and my book. I’ve given copies to many friends who were facing “end-of-life” challenges and all of them have thanked me deeply and have told me what a help and how healing it has been. I hope it is for you as well.

I’ve also enclosed a text copy of the Afterword I wrote for the book. It was included in the Kindle version, which I recently had published. Also, you might want to read my blog: It’s all about the fact that life is eternal and that we never “die” – EVER. As the Entity Emmanuel said, “Death is perfectly safe. If you could see death, you would rush to it with open arms.” I know that that is the truth. That doesn’t, of course, negate the pain of those left behind. That’s what really sucks about “death.” I always use quotes around “death,” because I know it doesn’t really exist. It’s an illusion.

I love you,


That pretty much says it all as far as I’m concerned. As frightening and sad as it may seem, what Lani will soon experience will actually be the “thrill of her life.”  I know that; I have no doubts about it. The reason I write this blog and the reason for Triumph, our book, is to help you to have no doubts about it either.

Love and Light . . . . .



Let There Be Light . . . . .

Let There Be Light . . . . .

All of the darkness in the universe cannot put out the light of one tiny candle! Think about that! Or, think about this: A room can be dark for ten thousand years – or ten million – and if you open the door and let in the light, the darkness disappears. Where does it go? It doesn’t go anywhere. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Darkness has no power. The Power is with the light. The Power IS the Light! Love IS Light!

What is the darkness in your life? Would you like to be free of it? Then let in the light. “But how do I do that?,” you may ask.  There are many ways. Meditation; Contemplation; Affirmative Prayer; Journaling are a few.  If, perhaps, meditation is foreign to you, just take five minutes a day and sit in silence. Focus on your breath, or on soothing music, or on a candle, or use a mantra. Just say, “I Am, I Am, I Am,” over and over again. When your mind wanders, and it will, just notice that and gently bring it back . If five minutes is too long for you, then begin with two minutes and work up.  If none of that works for you, get out in nature. Walk or sit quietly in the forest, or by the ocean, or any place that stills your Soul.

Go for a walk by the sea and have a conversation with God. Invite Her/Him/It into your life. And then just listen. When I say “God,” I’m not talking about that Judeo-Christian god, who is condemning, angry, weak and judgmental. I’m talking about the Real God Who IS EVERYTHING, and therefore is you too. The One Who loves you and forgives you forever and always and is so far beyond our understanding that we can’t possibly conceive of It’s Magnificence or of It’s Love – for EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY, because IT IS EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY!  It created everything and everybody, including you, out of Itself.  No matter who you are, or what you’ve done, the God I’m talking about has forgiven you and will ALWAYS forgive you, no matter what! You don’t need “saving,” you are already safe.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free!”  That’s the key! Know the Truth. Let in the Light. Dispel the darkness. Spread your wings, and FLY! Be FREE, as you were meant to be.

Love and Light . . . . .

Do You Realize WHO You Are?

Do You Realize WHO You Are?

Think about this: In the beginning, there was God and nothing! Question: So God, or whatever you want to call IT, created the entire Universe out of what??? Answer: ITSELF! There can be no other answer. After all, GOD + nothing = God! So God is all there IS! And so, what does that make you? What were you made out of? Nothing’s changed. After all these billions of years, there’s still God and nothing! There is only God! EVERYTHING there is, IS GOD! And that has to include you, because you are a part of all that is, so you must be God being you. You are NOT all of God, of course, but God IS all of you! So stop beating yourself up. Quit blaming yourself for your mistakes. We ALL make mistakes. We learn from them. That’s how we grow. No one’s blaming you, ESPECIALLY not God. You haven’t done anything wrong. You’re just human! – like the rest of us. But actually, that’s not true. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

You are wonderful. You are made out of God-Stuff! You are God being you! You are what God IS doing, right now! How great is that? And remember, “Just because you made a mistake, doesn’t mean you ARE one!”  Forgive yourself ~ and everyone else too. Lighten up! Be happy! Life is wonderful (full of wonder).

Love and Light . . . . .