Monthly Archives: May 2014

Darlyne’s Anniversary

Darlyne’s Anniversary

It was seven years ago, today, that Darlyne left her body. I miss her, and sometimes I feel very sad that she’s gone, but I know that “wherever” she is, she’s just fine. She’s safe and she’s well and she’s very much alive. I cannot see her in physical form any more, but I know that she’s alive – every bit as much alive as before and probably much more so. She never died; we never die. There’s no such thing as “death.”

Dar & KellyDuring the last year of her “life” here with me, we wrote our book together. Our book is the reason I’ve created this blog. I want people to discover our book, read it, and experience the healing that it offers. The photo to the left is one which I took about 10 years ago. That’s Darlyne, on the right, and Kelly on the left. When you read Triumph, you’ll read a section entitled, “Because of you.” Kelly wrote that to Darlyne. Kelly and Darlyne are together now. Kelly “died” a little over a year ago.

I can’t think of much else I want to say right now. I just wanted to mark the 7th anniversary of Darlyne’s “graduation,” on my blog, which is dedicated to her. Please check out our book. I know you’ll be glad you did. Tell your friends and colleagues.

Love and Light . . . . .

Help me! I’ll do ANYTHING!

Help me! I’ll do ANYTHING!

It was a over 30 years ago when I first spoke those words, and when I did, my life changed. I’d asked for help many times before that, but always in a “let’s make a deal” sort of way.  You know – like, “If you do this, I’ll do that.”  And of course, as far as I can tell, none of those prayers were ever answered. But, when I said, “I’ll do ANYTHING!,” and meant it, something profound shifted within me, and a great weight was lifted off my soul.

So, why am I writing about Spirit again? Because I find it impossible not to. As I’ve stated in previous posts, I am not a religious person. However, I am a spiritual one. The God I’m talking about isn’t  the one in which I was raised to believe. I’m not talking about that pissed off, judgmental, vindictive, angry, unreachable, fearful, tiny, weak god. I’m talking about the God Who is Infinitely loving and powerful and is “within” you and me, “not as a raisin is within a cookie, but as the ocean is within a wave.” And, by the way, if the word “God” is a trigger for you, then replace it with “Higher Power,” or, “The Universe,” or “Infinite Love,” or “Spirit,” or any name that works for you. I’m talking about the “God” of your understanding. 

Everything is all about Spirit. Everything IS Spirit! And, I believe that Spirit always says, “Yes!” If I say, “I am a child of the Universe! I deserve health, happiness, joy and abundance in my life,” God says, “YES!,’ and I draw happiness, health, joy and abundance into my life-experience. If, on the other hand I say, “I am bad, dumb and wrong and I don’t deserve to be happy, joyous or free,” then God says, “YES!,” and I repel any of the good I desire. God gives us free will. Whatever we choose to focus on, with emotion, we draw into our life-experience. God isn’t capricious. God doesn’t change. We do, hopefully. And remember: “The only constant in the Universe is change.”

I believe that LIFE is infinite, way beyond our ability to comprehend. All of that stuff I was brainwashed with is a mistake! The people who taught me that stuff really believed it was true, because they had been brainwashed before me. We were taught erroneous concepts, made up long ago by people who wanted to instill fear into us in order to have control over us. By making us weak with fear, they became powerful! Or so they thought. The truth is, they became weak as well, because they ended up believing their own lies.

The fact is, the Universe loves us and  is on our side. Life is eternal and there is no death – EVER! As the song says, “Don’t worry! Be happy!” There is nothing to fear. By the way, Darlyne, my late wife and I wrote a book during the last year of her most recent incarnation. Please follow this LINK to read about it. If you like my blog, you’ll love our book.

We Are Not Our Bodies . . . . .

We Are Not Our Bodies . . . . .

Our bodies, or as Darlyne used to say, “our earth suits,” are not who we are. If we were our bodies, then we certainly should fear “death,” because our bodies are aging and will certainly die, along with our ego. We won’t, however. We are infinite and eternal beings of light. We are free!

I find it frustrating that what we spend most of our time and energy on is the care of that which we are not. We feed it; we shelter it; we transport it; we exercise it. We visit the doctor and the Read the rest of this entry