Monthly Archives: November 2014

Angels and Logging Trucks

Angels and Logging Trucks

I believe in Angels. And, I believe in Miracles, even though Miracles don’t really exist. I don’t mean to shock you with that. Miracles do appear to exist, but in actuality the Universe just works that way naturally, and it seems unbelievable to us and so we call certain events Miracles.

I had a “Miracle” in my life — about half of my lifetime ago — in 1975 or thereabouts.  I was living in Washington State, driving  logging trucks for a living. One day, I pulled into the log dump with a load of logs and on the top of the load was one very long log.  It was about 8 inches in diameter and approximately 55 feet long. It extended well over the cab of my truck.

Logging TRuckIn the larger log-dumps, the log-loaders were much bigger and would lift the entire load off the truck all at once, like the one in the photo at left.  It’s much safer that way.In this log dump the log-loader was  a smaller one and had to remove the logs half-a-load at a time. I was standing next to my cab, with my wrappers in my hand. (Wrappers are long stainless steel cables with chains on each end. They are used to wrap around the logs, and are tightened with binder-jacks, so the logs couldn’t fall off the truck.)

I had a thermos of coffee in the cab of my truck and was impatient to get to it. I wanted to throw my wrappers in the bunk, just behind the cab. I  foolishly decided not to wait. My load of logs was being jostled violently and just as I took my first step, that long log began spinning off the top of the load and was falling straight down on top of me. It extended a number of feet behind me. I “back-peddled,” trying to get away, but I tripped and fell flat on my back in the mud. There was no way I could save myself. I was about to die violently.

I automatically shut my eyes tight, knowing that I was dead. I felt the ground shake and heard the log hit the ground. I opened my eyes and saw that the end of the log that had extended at least to the radiator of my rig lay about 2 feet “south” of my feet. THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!  And yet, it happened.

I do believe in Angels and I do believe in Guardian Angels. My Guardian Angel saved my life that day. There is absolutely no other explanation. And that’s just one experience. I’ve had a number of others, some “big” and some not-so “big.” Perhaps I’ll share a couple of others with you in the future.

I just want you to know that even though you think you’re alone — you’re not!  Even though you think there’s no hope — there is.  I guarantee it.  I’ve begun reading about Angels lately, and I’m hoping to meet some of mine, while I’m still in my body. I’m probably going to write more about them. They fascinate me and perhaps they fascinate you too. Please send me some comments and share some Angel-stories of your own. I’m sure you have some. We all do. We just have to pay attention.

Love and Light . . . . .