Monthly Archives: May 2015

No Time But Now . . . . .

No Time But Now . . . . .

How long am I going to wait? And, for what am I waiting? I’ve put my happiness on hold for so long. I’ve put off the fulfillment of my dreams. Why? The only time there is, is now, and it is always now. Yesterday is a memory, and tomorrow is an illusion, until its time has come, and then it too will be now. When the time comes that I accept and receive  the good for which I’ve been wanting, that time will be now. There can be no other time, because now is ALWAYS NOW! The Universe, or God,  desires that we be happy, joyous and free. That is God’s will for us. Not tomorrow, but now. God doesn’t operate in tomorrow or yesterday. To God, the only time there is, is now.

I am.   I am.  I am.   I AM!   I AM, now.   I AM, NOW!  I AM THAT I AM – NOW.  I’ve spent nearly half my life attempting to realize, “I AM,” and at times it seems that I’m making little or no  progress. At other times  it seems that I almost have it. It feels like I’m trying to grab  handfuls of smoke, or that I’m trying to herd kittens. The answer to everything is, “I AM!” God created me by becoming me. “That which I am seeking, I AM.” I AM That! It doesn’t matter what it is; I AM THAT!

Well that’s just a little bit of me contemplating Truth. Maybe you have some ideas on the subject. Perhaps you can help clear the “mist” from my mind. I’d like to hear your thoughts.

With Love and Light . . .  .

Darlyne, Where Did You Go???

Darlyne, Where Did You Go???

I’m thinking about Darlyne a lot right now. It was eight years ago today that she took her last breath as she lay in my arms. I think about her every day, but every May 23rd, especially, I pause and remember.

Where is she? Where did she go? What is she doing? She is somewhere after all. She still exists. She never “died.” She just escaped the confines of her sick body. She took her last breath, and she flew free like a bird that escaped her cage.  You can read about that moment in the epilogue of the book we wrote together.

Darlyne is no less real now than she was when she was in her body. For all I know, she may be right here beside me. I just can’t see her because her energy is vibrating at a different rate than mine; she lives at a different frequency. I know she’s hanging out with Angels.; she always loved them so.

I love you, Darlyne. You know that. I always will love you, forever and ever and ever. Love never dies. I miss you my friend. I ‘m sure you’re having a wonderful time. I’ll see you again – soon perhaps. Oh, by the way, is Ellie there with you? I’m sure she is. She was always your special kitty-cat, more than mine. Maybe the two of you could visit me in my dreams tonight. I’d really love that.

With love and light . . . . .