Monthly Archives: January 2018

Call Me Crazy, but. . .

Call Me Crazy, but. . .

. . . but, this is what I believe to be true: We live in a Universe that is so AMAZING that we have barely scratched the surface of understanding it. That, I know for sure. And furthermore, I believe that the Universe in which we live is but one of an infinite number of parallel Universes all existing right where we are – right now – and always. We live in each of these Universes, and every possibility that exists for us is a simultaneous reality.

We are not aware of any of the other Universes, because each one is vibrating at its own unique frequency. Like tuning a radio, we can only listen to the frequency we are tuned to. All of the other frequencies are broadcasting as well, but unless we change the frequency of our receiver we won’t experience any of them.

Anything you could wish for, or anything you fear, exists right now, in one of those Universes.Do you want to be a millionaire? You are – in a parallel universe. Do you want to be an Astronaut? You are – in a parallel universe. Do you fear being a falling down drunk, homeless and hungry? You are – in a parallel universe. Every possibility exists for you, right now, in a parallel universe.

If I want something “better” for myself, I have to vibrate at a higher frequency. Abraham, a group entity that is channeled by Esther Hicks, talks about the “Vortex,” and how we all have huge equity in the “Vortex,” – everything we have dreamed or wished for – and that the way to start to receive from that equity is to raise our vibration. That makes complete sense to me. We draw to ourselves that which we put out. Put out love and you get back love. Put out fear and you get back aggression. I was walking into a supermarket one day and noticed that everyone was grinning at me. I was wondering what was going on and then I realized that I was smiling broadly at them. I was getting back what I was putting out.

The best way I know of to raise my vibration is through meditation. We can also raise it just by thinking about pleasurable things. Think about something you love doing. For me, it’s windsurfing, or scuba diving. Getting out in nature is another good way. Having sex with your lover is another. If we consistently vibrate at a higher frequency, ideas will come to us upon which we can act. Those actions will draw to us the good things we want to manifest. Match the vibration and “step into that parallel Universe.”

It makes perfect sense to me. What do you think?

         With Love and Light. . .