The Reason for This Blog

The Reason for This Blog

Darlyne lay in my arms as she took her last breath. She exhaled and then her body was still. She was gone. Her body became an empty shell.   She didn’t want to leave, but it was her time to go, and she did. She’d prepared for it well. She’d left no stone unturned.

During the last year of her incarnation, we wrote a book. It was her book, but I helped her. We wrote it together. It was an act of love; Darlyne’s legacy, her gift to humanity. Our book is entitled, Triumph ~ Traveling Towards Death: Preparing for a New Life. 

I re-read Triumph recently, in order to see if there were any typos or mistakes we’d missed. I also wrote an Afterword for the Kindle-version, as my publisher suggested. I’ve included some very interesting photos. While reading Triumph again, I was struck by what a powerful and valuable book it is. A number of our friends contributed to it. I feel an urgency about letting people know about it, because it has such great value. There are many people who need this information now! Perhaps you are one of them. It is a truly beautiful book. It was written with such love.

You’ll notice in the 2nd paragraph above that I used the word, “incarnation,” rather than “life.” I did that because Darlyne’s life didn’t end. It never will. Our life is eternal. I do my best to not use the word, “death,” because “death” doesn’t exist!

Darlyne and I wrote Triumph because we want everyone to know that there’s nothing to fear! Death isn’t real! Death is an illusion. All we do, when we take our last breath, is leave our “earth-suits,” as Darlyne always called them, otherwise known as our bodies.  And we continue on. I’m writing this Blog in order to get a dialog going. I want to get your feedback and your experiences. I want to share ideas. I want as many people as possible to read Triumph, because it is of such value. Triumph is a book that will be as relevant in 100 years, or more, as it is today. As long as people keep leaving their bodies, and they have fear about that, it will be a relevant, valuable book. Our book has a potential readership of seven-billion people, because we are all going leave our earth-suits one day.

Darlyne and I talked about writing another book. I’m hoping to do that. I love writing – especially about this subject. I’m hoping that you will share your stories with me, as time goes by, in order that I can compile them and share them with others. As I said, this is an act of love, one which I intend to spend the rest of my life pursuing. Please help me. Follow my Blog and contribute to it with your responses. Share your stories with me, with us. Please tell your friends about it. Share it with everyone you meet. And if you like my Blog, please click the “Like” button below.

In Love and Light, we thank you.

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