Do You Realize WHO You Are?

Do You Realize WHO You Are?

Think about this: In the beginning, there was God and nothing! Question: So God, or whatever you want to call IT, created the entire Universe out of what??? Answer: ITSELF! There can be no other answer. After all, GOD + nothing = God! So God is all there IS! And so, what does that make you? What were you made out of? Nothing’s changed. After all these billions of years, there’s still God and nothing! There is only God! EVERYTHING there is, IS GOD! And that has to include you, because you are a part of all that is, so you must be God being you. You are NOT all of God, of course, but God IS all of you! So stop beating yourself up. Quit blaming yourself for your mistakes. We ALL make mistakes. We learn from them. That’s how we grow. No one’s blaming you, ESPECIALLY not God. You haven’t done anything wrong. You’re just human! – like the rest of us. But actually, that’s not true. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

You are wonderful. You are made out of God-Stuff! You are God being you! You are what God IS doing, right now! How great is that? And remember, “Just because you made a mistake, doesn’t mean you ARE one!”  Forgive yourself ~ and everyone else too. Lighten up! Be happy! Life is wonderful (full of wonder).

Love and Light . . . . .

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