Monthly Archives: October 2014

Powerless Or Powerful? You Choose!

Powerless Or Powerful? You Choose!

I’ve worn many “hats” over the years. I’ve had a number of different careers; different jobs. My present job is that of a Mental Health Technician.  I work at a Psych Unit in a hospital here in Eugene, Oregon. My job can be quite stressful and tiring. It can also be very fulfilling. I was feeling that I was suffering from “job burn out,” and was having ongoing conversations about that fact — mostly in my head. One afternoon, about 3 weeks ago, I was driving to work and dreading the thought of going there. I had knots in my stomach and was feeling very stressed. It then occurred to me what I was creating for myself.  I immediately began saying to myself, “I love my job!,” with emotion. I said it over and over and over again all the way to work, saying, “I love my job! I can hardly wait to get there! I’m very good at what I do. I really make a difference!”

I had a pretty good shift that evening;  I actually enjoyed myself. I continued to affirm, “I love my job! I love my job! I love my job!,” over the next few days and weeks. And, you know what? Yep. I love my job now! And on top of that, something very wonderful happened to me at work.

A patient, I’ll call Adam, (that isn’t his real name) came to our unit a few months ago, completely suicidal, hopeless and depressed. During his stay there I had numerous conversations with him and got to know him. He was finally discharged, somewhat better than when he arrived. A few weeks ago, he returned to our unit, again suicidal and feeling lost.

Over the weeks Adam and I have had many more conversations and I reminded him that “thoughts are things,” and that they create our reality — our lives, I talked to him about focusing upon the light instead of the darkness; that “all of the darkness in the Universe cannot put out the light of one tiny candle,” and among many other things, suggested that he read my very favorite book, “The Science of Mind,” by Ernest Holmes. It is the most empowering book I’ve ever read. I’ve been reading it for over 30 years, in fact I just started reading it again – and studying it – about a month ago.

Last night was the last shift I’ll be working for the next 6 days.  Adam will be discharging on Monday or Tuesday, so I won’t see him before he leaves. As I was saying, “So long,” to him he stood up and hugged me tightly and thanked me for everything. He told me that I’d done more for him than anyone else on the unit. He also said, “You know, Philip, every now and then in life you meet someone who has a profound effect upon you, that changes your life, that really makes a difference. You’re one of those people. I won’t forget you. I’ll write to you and let you know how I’m doing.” WOW! That really let me know that I am making a difference, a BIG difference, and that I am truly being of service. I feel that I’ve been reminded that I’m “doing God’s work.” What an honor!

I do love my job now, and it all began by me changing my mind. We become what we think about all day. We really do. “Change your thinking and change your life.” Trust me, it’s true!

With Love and Light. . . . .