Monthly Archives: September 2019

The Power Of “Thank You”

The Power Of “Thank You”

Quantum physics has discovered that particles and waves are the same. A wave becomes a particle when you look at it – when it is observed. Einstein’s theory says the same thing: E = MC2. The entire Universe is energy. Energy is measured by frequency. The higher the frequency our energy oscillates at, the better the conditions we draw to ourselves.

I have found a really good way to get “high.” I sit in a comfortable position, close my eyes, and begin saying, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. etc.” By the 10th “Thank you,” my voice becomes a whisper and my eyelids feel as if they’re stuck shut with glue. It’s difficult to open them. When I do, I feel “ripped,,” as we used to say back in the 60’s.

By saying, “Thank you,” over and over and over again, my frequency raises – my energy body expands, and I just feel better. When I feel better and my frequency is oscillating at a higher vibration, I naturally attract “better” things. There’s a saying: “God works in strange and mysterious ways,” or if you prefer: “The Universe works in strange and mysterious ways.” When our energy is transmitting on a higher frequency, we attract things that are of a higher vibration. They can come to us in seemingly impossible, or highly improbable ways.They can seem miraculous.

As I go through my day, I say, either silently or aloud, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” When I do that, I feel better, and I know I am attracting more positive – more desirable things into my life. Another good tool is to write a “gratitude list,” daily.  I also have a note on my mirror that says, “What am I thinking about right now?” If it’s a negative, I quickly replace it with a positive thought. I have come to understand that my self-talk is infinitely powerful and a heart filled with gratitude is as well.

With Love and Light