Wake-Up Call

Wake-Up Call

Recently, my wife and I were on an Alaska cruise on a Norwegian cruise ship. Halfway through the cruise I began feeling sick. I went to the ship hospital and found that I was suffering from Covid. Because of that they ran a bunch of tests on me: X-rays, blood tests, EKG’s etc. Those tests uncovered some other issues; a spot on my right lung, abnormalities in my liver and issues with my heart. I remained in the ship’s hospital until we arrived in Juneau, where I was taken to the local hospital by ambulance. The entire experience was what I call a “God-shot,” and probably saved my life. Now, a few weeks later, I’m seeing my PCP, as well as a Cardiologist and Pulmonary specialist.

Without going into the details, I was given some “bad news.” I’m not going to describe the “bad news” because I don’t want to feed it energy. What I will say is this: I fully realize that I created all of this because of resentments and anger I’ve been experiencing, mostly about political issues and the fact that I see many people in our society bent upon destroying our democracy. I realize how deadly these resentments have been for me and it’s up to me to turn that around.

I’m not going to stick my head in the sand and stop watching the news, but I will watch the news and listen to political commentary as an “Observer,” while leaving the emotion out of it. I will also take action, i.e. i will “Vote Blue” in November and volunteer in any way I can to see that others do as well. I’m also taking action to improve my health. For example, I’m doing weight training, Yoga, I’m using my mini-trampoline, I’m drinking lots of water, I’m meditating, I’m doing breathing exercises, I’m listening to Pure Tone Binaural Beats. I found a really powerful one called the Schumann Resonance. Check it out if you want. (YouTube has plenty of videos about that if you don’t know that that is.)

I’m also having an attitude of gratitude and saying “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,” hundreds of times a day. I’m raising my vibration and vividly imagining perfect health for my Spirit, Mind and Body. I am letting my light shine and I’m vibrating at a higher and higher frequency. As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and vibration.” That’s EXACTLY what I’m doing. I know how powerful my thoughts are and I know that my body is returning to its natural state of perfect health.

With love and light . . . . .

What Are You Thinking About Right Now?

What Are You Thinking About Right Now?

That’s what a note says that I taped to my bathroom mirror. I put that reminder to myself there because I know that whatever I’m thinking about, I’m bringing about, especially when I attach emotion to it. For so many years I didn’t realize that. I was a victim to serendipity, to chance, to coincidence, to luck. Now, because of my 40 years of metaphysical practice I fully realize that I am not a victim. Rather, I am very powerful and I am fully responsible for everything about my life. I am responsible for it all, positive and negative – good and bad. I am not guilty, but I am responsible. That goes for everyone.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it, but I am a recovered alcoholic. On March 28th of this year (2021) I celebrated 40 years of sobriety. I hang out with sober people. They are my best friends – my family. We spend a lot of time together, and I talk about certain things a lot. One of the things I talk about is being in present time. As Baba Ram Das used to say, “Be here now!”

I talk about these things: Be here how. Be grateful, no matter what. Have an attitude of, “YES!” Never say, “I am,” followed by a negative. The words, “I am,” are infinitely powerful. “I AM,” is God’s name. All of God is everywhere all at once. Therefore, all of God is right where I am. In the beginning, before the “big bang,” God was. God always was and will always will be. Whether or not I believe in God, doesn’t matter. God believes in me. God doesn’t care if I believe in Her/Him/It. I spend lots of time during the day saying, “Thank you!” “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank YOU!” Sometime, when you’re alone and won’t be disturbed just do that. Say, “Thank you,” over and over and over and over again. You don’t need to say, “Thank you, God,” or “Thank you for ———-.” Just, “Thank you!” Notice how peaceful and “high” you feel. I get “ripped” when I do it.

Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Vibration and Frequency.” Quantum physics points out that in the quantum level, there’s nothing there. Nothing but Energy. The particle is actually a wave (energy) and has no mass. Unless you look at it. When you look at the wave it becomes a particle. It’s like whatever you pay attention to becomes “reality.” Whatever we focus on we create. So focus on the good stuff. Be here now, forget about yesterday and don’t worry about tomorrow. I tell newly sober brother and sisters, “You don’t need to stay sober for the rest of your life. You just need to be sober today. Just for today. Sometimes, just for this moment. I’ve been sober for a little over 40 years. There is no way I can stay sober for 40 years! That’s IMPOSSIBLE! I can just be sober today.” That’s what I’ve done 14,677 times as of today. I can do it again tomorrow and by then, tomorrow will be today.

The Beginning . . .

The Beginning . . .

“Logic will take you from A to B, but imagination will take you anywhere,” Albert Einstein.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein.

“Imagination is the world.” Albert Einstein. 

It is said that everything began with the “Big Bang,” that THAT was the beginning of everything. But that can’t be. There had to be Something before that. But before that, there was no thing. But that doesn’t mean that there was (nothing.) So what was IT, that  existed before there was any thing; before there was the smallest speck of matter? The answer is: CONSCIOUSNESS. Infinite Consciousness.

Infinite Consciousness had to exist before any-thing existed, else what could have set everything in motion, causing the “Big Bang?” That Consciousness always was and always will be. It was before time existed, and in Reality time isn’t real anyway. It had no beginning and it will never end. If it ever ended, everything in existence would cease to exist and would simply disappear in in instant.

Everything began to exist when Consciousness Imagined it. And, Consciousness is still Imagining all of it. I firmly believe and know that there is an Infinite number of Universes, in which infinite possibilities exist about everything – and everyone. And it all exists right here – right now. It vibrates at a different frequency, and therefore we are unaware of it. Every possible version of ourselves exists in one of the Infinite parallel universes and therefore we can step into whatever version of ourselves we desire by matching the frequency of that version. How? By the use of our Imagination. Everything that is possible already exists. If we imagine it, we can become it. And we must use our imagination with Emotion. (Energy in Motion.)

Nikola Tesla, the genius inventor, said if we want to understand the Universe, we need to think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration. Everything is Energy, Vibrating at its own unique Frequency. We are all being Imagined by Infinite Consciousness and we are therefore created from that Consciousness. We ARE THAT Consciousness!

Therefore, we are infinitely powerful, because We Are IT. IT IS everything, everywhere. There’s only one of us in the room. When we fully Realize Who and What we are, we will live as Gods and Goddesses, because that is Who and What we really are!

Just Think about IT.

With Love and Light. . .

Where’s My Focus?

Where’s My Focus?

What I think about, I bring about – especially if I add emotion to it. With all of the very upsetting stuff that’s going on on the planet today, it’s easy for me to get sidetracked with feelings of anger, helplessness, hopelessness, fear, futility and sadness. And, what can I do about any of it:, besides vote? Whatever I’m focusing on, I’m attracting more of into my experience.

I have a note on my bathroom mirror that asks, “What am I thinking about right now?” That’s a very important question, because it shapes my experience – my reality.

So, what can I do about any of it? I think it was Gandhi who suggested, “Become the change you want to see in the world.” And, how can I do that? The first thing I do, when I wake up in the morning, is say to Infinity, The Universe, God, “Use me, Infinity. Show me Your Will. Let me bring Love and Light and Joy and Healing into the world today. Let me be an instrument of Peace. Let me Be Love!” And then I go about my day, and be those things, wherever I go, to the best of my ability.

Darlyne used to say, “The first one who gets back to love, wins.” Really, love is all that matters. Love heals. Love lasts. Love is forever. Love really FEELS GOOD!  When we leave our bodies for the final time and experience that thing we call “death,” the only thing we get to take with us is love. That’s IT. Nothing else.

The only time there is, is now, and it’s always now. I am LOVE, now. I AM love now. I choose love, now! Be Love. It feels so good.

With love and light . . .