Energy, Frequency and Vibration.

Energy, Frequency and Vibration.

Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

I believe that we live in a Multi-verse, an infinite number of parallel universes and that every conceivable version of each of us exists, right here and right now, always and forever. These universes are not separated by space or by time. They are all right here. What separates them is the frequency at which they are vibrating.

I live in Eugene, Oregon. There are a number of local radio stations broadcasting continually. I am not unaware of any of them, unless I turn on my radio, and then I can tune to whichever station I choose by choosing the appropriate frequency. All of the RF radiation from all of the other stations exist as well, but I am unaware of them. I can tune to another frequency and listen to another radio station as a result.

In the same manner, I believe, that there are an infinite versions of me, and I can step in to the reality of any of them by changing my frequency. In one of the parallel universes I am a falling-down drunk. In another, I am a multi-billionaire. In another I am homeless  and in another I am the president of the United States. From the very highest to the very lowest, I exist as every possibility right now.

Einstein said, “Imagination is more important then knowledge.”  It is with our imagination that we change our frequency. Just imagine who and what it is you’d like to be! What does that look like? More importantly, what does that feel like? Feel it! Get excited about it – REALLY EXCITED! Say, “Yes!” to it! Be grateful for it and say, “Yes! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”  FEEEEEL the gratitude!  Jump up and down. Wave your arms. Giggle with delight. Shout it out! THAT is how we raise our vibration and change our frequency to match the frequency of our dream-self, which already exists. 

Do that, and step into the universe where you are that, and you will be that.

With Love and Light . . .


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