Monthly Archives: November 2013

“I Didn’t Die! I’m FREE!!!

“I Didn’t Die! I’m FREE!!!

I’m sitting here, searching my imagination for something relevant to write about, and my mind is blank. I asked Darlyne for help and I’m wondering what she’d say, from her perspective, being free of her body and all. During the last few years of her life in her body she had a lot of challenges, a lot of pain, a lot of limitation. Her world was getting smaller and smaller as she became more and more dependent upon others. The joyful words, “I’m free! I’m free! I’m FREE!,” keep running through my mind. And I know she is. No more pain, or limitation, or worry, or fear, or anxiety, or bills to pay, and the list goes on.

Life is wonderful! We choose to come here for a reason, to learn, to experience, to play, to laugh, to cry, to be. And leaving life is wonderful as well. It’s a new birth! We once again remember Who  we are – vast beings of light  and love – and we are free, with the Universe(s) as our playground. And all of the loved ones we knew, who left before us, are there with us, to greet us on our arrival, to be our dear-ones, our playmates once again.

Love and Light


Rise Above Your Fear By Trusting In The Universe

Rise Above Your Fear By Trusting In The Universe

I am not a religious person. I was brought up in a religious tradition that just didn’t work for me. It did do one thing. It gave me a  belief in “God.” I use quotes there because “God” is a very loaded word. It means different things to different people. The “God” I was taught to believe in is not the “God” of my understanding today. In the religion I was “raised in,” I was taught to be full of shame, guilt, and fear. I was taught about hell and the devil. If I still believed in all of that stuff, or any of it, I would still be full the of fear of death. As I said, I am not a religious person, but I am a Spiritual one. In fact, the bedrock foundation of my life is built upon my Spiritual Path. I find that the more I focus upon my Spiritual Path, the more peace I experience in my life; the more peace of mind I have; the more joy I experience.

It’s my path. I’m not here to tell you what you should believe, or not believe. That’s up to you. My path is very personal to me. It’s a very intimate part of me. I do suggest that you find Something to believe in, to focus on, to Trust, to have Faith in. Call it whatever you want. Call It God. Call It Goddess. Call It Infinite Love. Call it Creative Cause. Call it Stella, or call it Bubba. It doesn’t really matter what you call it. Just find Something greater than yourself to believe in and trust in. If you really do that, you’ll have a lot less fear about death or anything else.

Love and Light  

Death and Energy

Death and Energy

To quote Albert Einstein, “Energy cannot  be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.” Everything in the Universe is energy. That includes you and me. We are as eternal as God Itself, because God Is That from Which we are made. When I read about our past, something that happened a hundred years ago – or a thousand, or a million, I wonder what I was doing at that time. Likewise, when I think about our future, five thousand years from now, or five million, of fifty-gazillion, I wonder “where” and “what” I’ll be then. Fascinating, isn’t it? Of one thing I am certain: We’ll all be somewhere doing something. For me, that really takes the fear out of death. How ’bout you?

Love and Light

Death Is Like Sailing

Death Is Like Sailing

I love sailing. I’ve always been a sailor. I used to own a 30 foot gaff-rigged sloop named Spray. I lived on my boat, worked mid-watches at the radio station and went sailing every afternoon, rain or shine. Those were some very happy years for me. I imagine a sailboat putting to sea, sailing away from the land. Watching it from the shore, it gets smaller and smaller and eventually disappears over the horizon. Upon seeing that, one might think that the sailboat had ceased to be, but we know the truth. Looking at that same horizon from an opposite viewpoint, the sailboat would have just appeared. It would seem to have just come into being. Death is like that. It all depends upon one’s perspective. We don’t cease to be when we “die.” We just continue upon our infinite journey. It’s really no big deal. It’s all just a part of life. It’s all good. . . . .

Love and Light