Monthly Archives: November 2013

Death And The Abyss

Death And The Abyss

There are those who believe that THIS IS IT! We live this one, little, short life and then we get tossed into the abyss – into nothingness. If I believed that, I guess I’d fear death too. However, if  we did do that, then we’d just cease to exist and therefore we’d have no awareness of not existing. Nothing much to fear there. Really depressing though.

People really sell God short. We anthropomorphise God. We create God in our image, instead of the other way around. We make God an insecure, limited, judgmental, nasty, vindictive, mean, unforgiving, angry, fearful, loveless, jealous diety. Yes, I do believe in a God. I don’t believe in the god of my youth – the one I was taught to fear. I mean, I was taught that if I ate meat on Friday, missed Mass on Sunday, or masturbated on any day of the week, I was going straight to hell as soon as I “died”! And in the next breath I was told that God loves me.

And that’s another thing! What’s this place called “hell,” and who’s this monster called “Satan?” If those things exist, then God must have created them too, and why would God do that? I used to wonder about these things when I was a youngster. I was taught to love God! I was taught to fear God! How can I fear someone I love or love someone I fear? I know now that “hell” and “Satan” were made up a long time ago by people who wanted power over us, and boy it sure worked, didn’t it? They really put “the fear of God” into us!

Where does our fear come from? I believe it comes from all of the lies we’ve been told for generation after generation. I have three grown “children,” and four grandchildren. I love all of them with all of my heart. I would “die” for any of them if need be. I would forgive them anything and everything! If I can say that about my children, as imperfect and limited as I am, how much more is that true of God? I’ve heard it said that, “God created us as imperfect beings, and has been punishing us for that ever since.” Pretty silly, eh?

I read a touching story that I’ll paraphrase here:

A woman was on her death-bed and was tormented with guilt and filled with fear. Her minister sat by her side and asked her why she felt as she did. 

“I’m dying!,” she cried, “and I’m going straight to hell when I do!”

“Why do you say that?,” asked the minister.

“Because of all of the horrible things I’ve done in my life. God could never forgive me!”

There was a picture of a beautiful young girl  on her bedside table. “Who is that?,” asked the minister.

“Oh,” she beamed, “that’s my daughter! Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Yes, she is,” the minister said and then asked, “Is there anything she could do to make you stop loving her?”

“No! Of course not!”

“What if she did something really horrible? What if she killed somebody? Would you still forgive her?”

“Oh Yes! There’s nothing she could do to stop me from loving her! I would forgive her anything!”

The minister smiled and said, “God has a picture of you on Her bedside table.”

The whole reason I’m writing this blog is because I want to do whatever I can to free people from their fears – especially their fear of death. I lived a life filled with fear for many, many years. I’m free of that now, and I want you to be free as well. Of course, I also want to pique your interest in the book Darlyne and I wrote so that you’ll purchase a copy and  read it. When you do, I know you’ll be glad you did. It’s a beautiful,  healing, life-changing book. Please click on the “Darlyne’s Book” page above and take a look. Thank you and blessings to you.

Love and Light . . . . .

Fear of Death

Fear of Death

We’ve all be sold a “bill of goods.” We’ve been taught to fear. We were taught to fear by people who were taught to fear by people who were taught to fear by others who were taught to fear. It’s a generational thing.  I’ve had enough of it! The buck stops here! FDR said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” I’ve noticed in my life that most of the things I feared never came to pass. I was fearing a lie! Most of us are fearing the lie of death. I’ve come to realize that I live in a friendly Universe. The Universe is “on my side,” and It’s on YOUR side too.

The book and movie, “The Secret,” came out a few years ago. When I read the book, I thought, “Yea. I knew that.”  I’ve been studying Metaphysics for over 30 years and The Secret is Metaphysics 101. It all boils down to what we think about, we bring about. That is the truth, especially, when we think about something with emotion! And fear is a very powerful emotion. Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

“Death” is a part of life – a very necessary part. The thing I don’t like about death is the pain it causes those of us who are left behind. The person who “dies” is perfectly safe – perfectly happy – perfectly free. As Jonathan Livingston Seagull said, “Perfect speed is being there.” How wonderful it is to leave one’s body and have the entire Universe as one’s playground. Just think about being able to go anywhere,  just by imagining it and instantaneously being there! And I don’t mean just down the street or across town. I mean anywhere in the Universe. I think about things like that and I get excited!

Our “life” here is a wonderful experience. It’s painful at times and joyful at others, but all-in-all it’s worth it. What do we do when we “leave here?” I don’t know, but I do know that we live in an infinite Universe, with infinite possibilities and we have an infinite amount of time. There’s no rush – nothing to hurry about or worry about. The Universe is our playground. I’m pretty sure, when we dream at night, we leave our bodies and go out and play for a while. When we dream about being with departed loved-ones, I’m sure we’re actually with them.  Probably, the biggest difference between our dream-time and our “death” is that when we “die,” we just don’t come back.

I also believe something else. When we “die,” I’m sure it’s because our Higher Self says, “Ok, I’m done here. I’ve accomplished what I came to do.” I’m sure it’s a choice we make, instead of it being something beyond our control. If that’ not true, then we’re all victims, like leaves being blown in some infinite wind, completely helpless and hopeless. I don’t believe that for a second.

Love and Light

Death doesn’t really exist.

Death doesn’t really exist.

About 35 years ago, a friend of mine told me the following story. At about 5am, as Dale was getting ready for work, it felt as if his house was picked up and dropped heavily. He went to investigate, thinking that perhaps it was an earthquake. (This took place in California.) When he got to the kitchen, his father was standing there. As it turned out, this took place on his father’s birthday.

Dale’s wife, Jan, also felt the strong thud and their little dog jumped off their bed and ran down the hall barking. When Jan got up later, she turned on the news to see if there had been an earthquake. There was none. When Dale returned from work that evening, she asked him about it. He told her what had happened, that his father had met him in the kitchen and that they had talked for 20 minutes or so. They even hugged each other.

What makes this story unique is the fact that his father had “died” ten years earlier.

Love and Light

Afraid of Death? Consider This . . .

Afraid of Death? Consider This . . .

In the beginning, there was God and nothing. Today, there is still God and nothing. God created everything out of Itself. EVERYTHING! There’s nothing else to create it out of! Think about it! That includes you and me. So how can any of us ever die? We can’t, and we don’t. We are immortal Beings made of God-Stuff. We are one with The One. I am That I AM, and so are you and so is everyone! There’s nothing here – or anywhere – but God. So, you see, there’s nothing to worry about. There’s nothing to fear. We are loved, and we are safe.

 In Love and Light.