Fear of Death

Fear of Death

We’ve all be sold a “bill of goods.” We’ve been taught to fear. We were taught to fear by people who were taught to fear by people who were taught to fear by others who were taught to fear. It’s a generational thing.  I’ve had enough of it! The buck stops here! FDR said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” I’ve noticed in my life that most of the things I feared never came to pass. I was fearing a lie! Most of us are fearing the lie of death. I’ve come to realize that I live in a friendly Universe. The Universe is “on my side,” and It’s on YOUR side too.

The book and movie, “The Secret,” came out a few years ago. When I read the book, I thought, “Yea. I knew that.”  I’ve been studying Metaphysics for over 30 years and The Secret is Metaphysics 101. It all boils down to what we think about, we bring about. That is the truth, especially, when we think about something with emotion! And fear is a very powerful emotion. Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

“Death” is a part of life – a very necessary part. The thing I don’t like about death is the pain it causes those of us who are left behind. The person who “dies” is perfectly safe – perfectly happy – perfectly free. As Jonathan Livingston Seagull said, “Perfect speed is being there.” How wonderful it is to leave one’s body and have the entire Universe as one’s playground. Just think about being able to go anywhere,  just by imagining it and instantaneously being there! And I don’t mean just down the street or across town. I mean anywhere in the Universe. I think about things like that and I get excited!

Our “life” here is a wonderful experience. It’s painful at times and joyful at others, but all-in-all it’s worth it. What do we do when we “leave here?” I don’t know, but I do know that we live in an infinite Universe, with infinite possibilities and we have an infinite amount of time. There’s no rush – nothing to hurry about or worry about. The Universe is our playground. I’m pretty sure, when we dream at night, we leave our bodies and go out and play for a while. When we dream about being with departed loved-ones, I’m sure we’re actually with them.  Probably, the biggest difference between our dream-time and our “death” is that when we “die,” we just don’t come back.

I also believe something else. When we “die,” I’m sure it’s because our Higher Self says, “Ok, I’m done here. I’ve accomplished what I came to do.” I’m sure it’s a choice we make, instead of it being something beyond our control. If that’ not true, then we’re all victims, like leaves being blown in some infinite wind, completely helpless and hopeless. I don’t believe that for a second.

Love and Light

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