Death and Life and what’s in-between.

Death and Life and what’s in-between.

I definitely believe in reincarnation! In the movie, “Contact,” the dad and the daughter were talking about life on other planets. The dad said something like, “Well, if we’re the only intelligent life in the Universe, it seems like an awful waste of space.” That sums it up pretty well for me.

The thing is, if, as some people believe, this is our one and only “life,” – one shot and then it’s over, then it seems like an awful waste of time and space. And what would be the point?  I mean, here we are, living in eternity and infinity, and we live one short life and then we die??? Give me a break! My philosophy says this: Yes!, we only live one life! I agree!  I’m sure we reincarnate, gazillions of times, but it’s still just ONE LIFE, and it lasts forever!

We are vast Beings of Light. We are Energy, and as Einstein said, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change form.” So we live forever!  We keep progressing, learning more, having more experiences, growing. The point is, we are God in form! “God created us by BECOMING us.” and “God is within us, not as the raisin is within a cookie, but as the Ocean is within a wave!” Where does the Ocean end and the wave begin? And please don’t let the word “God” bother you. I’m not talking about the God of our parents in which we were taught to fear God. I’m talking about the God that is the IS-ALL-OF-EVERYTHING-EVERYWHERE!  No exceptions!  I’m talking about the God Who IS Infinite Love. I’m talking about the One Who isn’t out there somewhere.

I am not religious. However, I am Spiritual. The foundation of my life is built upon Spirituality. I was raised in a religion, and that religion does not work for me any more. In fact, it never did. I remember thinking as a very young child, “If this is true, then how can that be true?” It just didn’t make any sense. And if it didn’t make any sense to that small child, then it certainly doesn’t make any sense to this adult.

I’ve done a lot of meditating over the years. I’ve done a lot of contemplating too. I’ve done a lot of journaling. As a young person the thought of death used to terrify me. I lived a life of fear. I don’t any more. To the best of my ability, I live a life of love. I believe that the only thing in life that matters is love. When we “die,” whatever we’ve accumulated and “own,” all goes away. We can take none of it with us. The only thing we can take with us is love. And love is eternal. God IS love, and we are love, because we are what God Is doing. As I said before, God created us by becoming us. I know that’s the truth. And that being the truth, then we can never die. Because if we can die, then God can die, and that’s impossible!

There’s a quote in the Bible, ” You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” This is the Truth. I know it and I am free! How ’bout you?

My message to you is this: Don’t worry! Be happy! There is nothing to fear!

In Love and Light

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