In The Play Of Life. . . . .

In The Play Of Life. . . . .

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players . . . ”      ~William Shakespeare ~

I’ve been experiencing my present incarnation for over 71 years. During that time, many family members, friends and acquaintances have made their exits from this space/time reality. They are no longer in physical form. My first experience with “death” was when I was in high school. A friend and classmate of mine, Mike, was killed at a local rock quarry. He lost his footing and fell headlong into a shaft and suffocated. He was 15 years of age. Within 2 days of that, my grandfather, Reed, died of a heart attack. I went to 2 funerals in 3 days. Since then, many, many others have “died.”IMG_0250

Betty, my mother, “died” in 1997. Darlyne, my late wife, “died” in 2007. Many others have also “died,” and have “gone on,” as we say. The interesting thing is that, Betty, my mother, is no longer my mother. Darlyne, is no longer my wife. They “played their parts,” and have since “exited, stage-left,” and have removed their costumes. They have returned to their natural state – that of a light-being, who is infinite and eternal.

We are all infinite and eternal beings of light. We incarnate here and play our parts in the performance of our “lives.” It is my belief that we decide which roles we’ll play ~ and with whom we’ll play them ~ before we take on human form. It’s really neat to think about, at least I think so. Who knows what our next life will be like, or what our previous life or lives have been, or for that matter, where they have been. I don’t think we necessarily continually incarnate on planet earth. We live in a Universe that is so vast we’re only aware of a small fraction of it. It goes on forever! We live in an Infinite Universe. It must be, because if it’s not, then what lies beyond the edges of our Universe? Think about THAT!  And then, of course, there’s the question of parallel universes. (There may be an infinite number of them. . . )

I think about all of this a lot! It thrills me! We live in a HUGE PLAYGROUND!  Where will we “live” next, I wonder? And what happens after our sun dies and the earth freezes solid, or is consumed by our sun going super-nova? Well, there’s an infinite number of other suns and planets and galaxies “out there,” that we may one day call home. Perhaps we already have.  Fascinating, isn’t it? I think it really puts things in perspective.

Love and Light . . . . .

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